Pride month is a great time, filled with parties, events, and general happiness. Unlike the oppression that led to it, Pride is a showing of general love and acceptance. And what better way to celebrate love, acceptance, happiness, self-pride, and the eroding of oppressive laws and beliefs? With a nice little buzz. Here are the best ways this year to get high for your local pride parade.
It’s that time of year when we go out and celebrate who we are sexually without shame. This year, what better than to get high for your local pride parade and celebrations? There are plenty of options, but let’s be honest, you don’t want to be couch-locked during the festivities. This is the perfect time for delta-8 THC, the alternate THC that leaves users more energetic and clear-headed, without the paranoia of delta-9. Take a look at our array of Delta-8 THC deals, and order some to get the most out of Pride month activities.
Best ways to get high for your local pride parade – if cannabis is illegal
It really doesn’t matter if you’re going to a parade, a festival, a friend’s Pride bash, a get-together, or any other kind of celebration. Pride is about freedom and happiness, and so is cannabis. What better way to experience Pride, than with a little Pride buzz.
So first things first, if you are participating in an event that is in a country/city/state that does not allow recreational marijuana use…be careful! The last thing you want is to celebrate Pride by getting arrested or paying a fine. For those in such circumstances, I strongly suggest getting your buzz-on in a quiet way.

These days can go long, so eating an edible before leaving for the celebrations is a great way to have a nice, chilled high throughout the day. And if you need to re-up, you can easily pop a gummy, or other edible or capsule, without attracting suspicion. Before leaving your house, its easy enough to take a tincture or oil, but this might not be ideal when out and about. Even edible products that come in cans, or other packaging that can be easily seen, may not be the way to go depending on where you are and the laws at hand.
Vapes are also useful at this time, although they can’t be used entirely discreetly, and often do put a smell of cannabis in the air. Even so, still a decent option for a quick puff to get your head straight.

Luckily, in many of these celebrations, because so many people are there, doing so many different things, it’s often easy to get away with something like smoking a joint in a cannabis-illegal location. For this, the best I can say is, feel it out. Know where you are, know the repercussions.
Best ways to get high for your local pride parade – if cannabis is legal
If you’re doing the parade in New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Chicago, Uruguay (yup, they’ve got a parade), or in any other recreationally legalized location…well, my friends, you’ve got a lot of options. Now, it should be remembered that cannabis legalizations don’t ever mean you can smoke cannabis anywhere without a care. In fact, things like smoking near underage kids, or worse – supplying an underage kid, can still incur some heavy punishments. So, it’s not a complete free-for-all.
On the other hand, if it’s easy to get away with smoking a joint in an illegal place during a celebration of this kind, then it can be pretty-well assumed that in a legalized location, it would take a monumental amount of ostentatious law breaking to really have a problem. Even so, these are public celebrations, so prospective cannabis celebrators should keep that in mind.

Having said that, let’s be honest, places with recreational legalizations will likely have some pretty heavy marijuana use going on. As with illegal places, popping an edible or a capsule, or taking some oil or tincture, is still a great way to maintain a high throughout many hours, and for re-upping when necessary. But the one really great thing about a place where laws have changed, is that it does give the ability for other methods.
Getting high on a recreational basis can certainly be done alone, but there is a very social aspect to it, especially with joints. You can probably see a visual in your head of a joint being passed around a circle, of people shot gunning each other. A lot of what’s cool about marijuana, is that it can be done together. If you’re in a legalized location, take advantage! Light up without fear, pass a joint back and forth between friends, celebrate Pride, while also celebrating the death of racist-based laws. One of the great benefits to these legalizations, is that cannabis use doesn’t have to be behind closed doors anymore, but can be out in the open. Just like being gay.
Cool products to use or get high with for Pride
Recreate: This brand is putting out Pride Gummies and a Pride Beverage for the month. The gummies have 100mg of CBD and 100mg of THC per pack of 10, and the beverage contains 2.5mg each THC and CBD each. $1 per purchase goes to One Colorado and Equality California, LGBT activist groups. Great products to get your Pride-buzz on.
Bloom Farms Wellness is selling its HIGHLIGHTER® Rainbow Pride Vape Pen Battery, a flashy, colorful, metallic battery which is consistent with most 510 thread cartridges, and good for up to 300 puffs. Each battery costs $20, with Bloom Farms Wellness donating two meals for every battery sold this month. This way, you can get high, and help others.
The company Betoken is offering rainbow customizable bracelets for Pride. Interested buyers can choose the colors they want, and up to 10 letters that can say whatever they please. Bracelets cost $14-16, and all proceeds (literally 100%) go directly to Equality Maine. Show your pride with one of these bracelets.

Cann, a cannabis beverages company is partnering with other gay-owned cannabis companies to offer its Pride Bundle. This cool collection of products includes 2 4-packs of Cann’s fizzy Cranberry Sage with 2mg THC and 4mg CBD, along with 4 packs of Sonder Space Crystals, and 2 4-packs of Drew Martin Pre-Roll Variety Pack. That’s a lot of great stuff to get Pride going.
History of Pride parades
If you go back a hundred years, there was no such thing as a Pride parade. In fact, if you go back a hundred years, there was little-to-know acceptance in the US for homosexuality, with no legal rights given, and the ability to discriminate against this population. The 1900’s saw civil rights movements taking off, and with them, the broadening of freedoms for the black community, women, and the gay community.
(I’ll take a second here to upend any backlash, by stating, if I use the terms ‘gay’ or ‘LGBT’, they stand for the whole relevant community. Yes, I know other letters have been added on, but, as something like ‘questioning’ isn’t technically a sexual orientation, I’ll stick to the main categories that are actually discriminated against. I also get the term ‘gay’ may therefore be lacking in the minds of some readers. Let’s remember not all ‘African Americans’ actually come from Africa. I use these terms because they are standard and understandable terms.)
I digress. In terms of the history of Pride celebrations, the first public gatherings, and public showings of unrest, in the gay community, started in the 1960’s. Two pro-gay rights groups emerged called Mattachine Society, and the Daughters of Bilitis. These organizations started ‘yearly reminders’ that acted as public reminders of the unfair treatments waged toward the gay community, and the complete lack of civil rights protections. These picket events were held once a year, in Philadelphia, at Independence Hall. They took place on July 4th all the years they happened, between 1965-1969.
The term ‘gay is good’ came out of all this, and was started by Frank Kamey in 1968 – a leader in the civil rights movement, and a participant in the reminders each year. The term was meant to combat social stigmas as well as to empower those in the gay community who suffered from self-shame. Kamey took the motto from another prevalent one at the time representative of a whole other civil rights fight: ‘Black is Beautiful’.

What really kicked things into action was a police raid on a New York City gay bar called the Stonewall Inn, on June 28th, 1969. This led to protests and riots that went on for days – called the Stonewall Riots or Christopher Street Liberation Day, and the idea that manifested out of it, was to come together to promote gay rights in a bigger and more organized way. That year, four activists came up with the idea of having a parade in New York. The planning for it was intense, as it involved bringing together different activist groups, which was more difficult than may have been expected. But the job was done, and New York’s first gay pride parade happened on the anniversary of the the Stonewall Riots in 1970.
First parades
As stated, New York held its first Pride parade on June 28th, 1970. But it actually wasn’t the first parade held in America to celebrate gay pride. That designation actually goes to Chicago and San Francisco, which both beat New York by one day, holding their first parades – and the country’s first parades – on the 27th of June, and beating New York to the punch by one day. Chicago’s reasoning was that this was also the anniversary of the riots, but by day-of-the-week, rather than day of the year as New York planned it.

Chicago’s Pride parade that year wasn’t big. About 150 people did the march from Washington Square Park to the Civic Center (now known as the Daley center). At the time, there was no city-sanctioned permit for the parade, and those in attendance were there at their own peril. The rally actually went past the original stop point, and continued when on after they reached the Civic Center.
Also on the 27th, San Francisco held its first Pride parade, put together by the San Francisco Gay Liberation Front. This very small march involved not more than about 20-30 people who marched from Aquatic Park to the Civic Center via Polk Street. San Francisco actually pulled double duty that year, holding yet another event the following day at Golden Gate Park, dubbed a ‘Christopher Street Liberation Day Gay-In’. This celebration of about 200 people was raided by law enforcement and seven celebrators were taken into custody, though all were released without charges.
New York’s parade was a bit bigger. Many different organizations and alliances came together including: the Gay Liberation Front, Gay Activists Alliance, Mattachine New York chapter, Mattachine DC chapter, Daughters of Bilitis various chapters, Philadelphia’s Homophile Action League, Lavender Menace, groups from Boston and Baltimore, Lee Brewster’s Queens Liberation Front, and students from universities like Yale, Columbia, and Rutgers joined in too. Though reports greatly vary, anywhere from 3,000-20,000 people were involved in that first march.
Chicago, San Francisco and New York were joined in 1970 by one other city that held a Pride parade that year, Los Angeles. Much like the other two cities, LA scheduled its parade in conjunction with the anniversary of Stonewall, taking the 28th, like New York. Put together by the Christopher Street West Association, Rev. Bob Humphries who founded the United States Mission, Morris Knight of the Gay Liberation Front, and yet another Reverend, Troy Perry, who founded Metropolitan Community Church. (I love that two reverends had such a large part in the planning of this event).
The parade started in Hollywood at Hollywood Boulevard and McCadden Place, and went down Hollywood Blvd with as many as 50,000 spectators watching from the sides. This was the first officially-permitted gay pride parade to take place, as none of the other three locations that year actually obtained a permit.
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Today, Pride parades are a generally accepted part of culture in the countries they exist in. Obviously, countries that criminalize or still largely discriminate against, this community are not likely to have parades. But, luckily, it seems more locations seem to be with it, than against it. New York is home to the biggest Pride parade in the US, which has seen up to 4 million people participating. Sao Paulo Brazil boasts the largest Pride parade for South America, with as many as 3-5 million attendees. Madrid Spain has had as many as 3.5 million parade-goers in past years. New York and Madrid’s largest numbers are from World Pride events, and were not local parades.
In terms of local parades, Sao Paolo takes the win, followed by New York’s biggest local celebration which garnered 2.1 million, San Francisco at 1.7 million for its top year, and Madrid with 1.6 million participating. Rounding out the top five, is Toronto, which has had as many as approximately 1.22 million celebrating.

If you plan to get all buzzed for your Pride celebrations this year, I say, have at it! Just know where you are, and the laws, to make sure you’re happy fun-time, doesn’t become an unhappy jail-time. Happy Pride everyone!
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Disclaimer: Hi, I’m a researcher and writer. I’m not a doctor, lawyer, or businessperson. All information in my articles is sourced and referenced, and all opinions stated are mine. I am not giving anyone advise, and though I am more than happy to discuss topics, should someone have a further question or concern, they should seek guidance from a relevant professional.